Publications - Books
Rikakis, T., Arnold, A., Keyel, J. et al. (2020). Adaptive Life Long Learning for an Inclusive Knowledge Economy. Virginia Tech Publications in partnership with the International Academic Forum and the Future Talent Council;
Publications - Papers
T. Ahmed, T. Rikakis, A. Kelliher and S. L. Wolf, (2024), "A Hierarchical Bayesian Model for Cyber-Human Assessment of Movement in Upper Extremity Stroke Rehabilitation," IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, DOI: 10.1109/TNSRE.2024.3450008
Sung, S., Thomas, D. & Rikakis, T., “Enacting Transdisciplinary Values for a Postdigital World: The Challenge-Based Reflective Learning (CBRL) Framework”. Postdigit Sci Educ (2024).
K. Thopalli, T. Ahmed, N. Meniconi, A. Kelliher, T. Rikakis, S. Wolf, P. Turaga (2023). “Advances in Computer Vision for Home-Based Stroke Rehabilitation”, in Computer Vision: Challenges, Trends, and Opportunities; edited by Atiqur Rahman Ahad, Upal Mahbub, Matthew Turk, Richard Hartley. CRC Press
T. Ahmed, T. Rikakis, A. Kelliher, M. Soleymani. “ASAR Dataset and Computational Model for Affective State Recognition During ARAT Assessment for Upper Extremity Stroke Survivors”. ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction 2023
Sarker, A.; Emenonye, D.-R.; Kelliher, A.; Rikakis, T.; Buehrer, R.M.; Asbeck, A.T., “Capturing Upper Body Kinematics and Localization with Low-Cost Sensors for Rehabilitation Applications”, Sensors 2022, 22, 2300.
Ahmed Tamim , Thopalli Kowshik , Rikakis Thanassis , Turaga Pavan , Kelliher Aisling , Huang Jia-Bin , Wolf Steven L., “Automated Movement Assessment in Stroke Rehabilitation”, Frontiers in Neurology, Vol 12, 202, DOI=10.3389/fneur.2021.720650
Y. Han, A. Varadarajan, T. Kim, G. Zheng, K. Kitani, A. Kelliher, T. Rikakis, and Y-L Park. “Smart Skin: Vision-Based Soft Pressure Sensing System for In-Home Hand Rehabilitation”, Soft Robotics, Vol 9, no 3, p 473-485, 2022,
Arnold, Amy J., Jared Keyel, Alkan Soysal, Michael Kretser, Shahabedin Sagheb and Thanassis Rikakis. “Toward an Integrative Professional and Personal Competency-Based Learning Model for Inclusive Workforce Development”, International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics (IMSCI 2021),
J. Clark, S. Zilevu, T. Ahmed, A. Kelliher, S. Yeshala, S. Garrison, C. Garcia, O. Menezes, M. Seth, T. Rikakis.(2021). Hybrid Workflow Process for Home Based Movement Capture, June 2021, ACM IMX
A. Kelliher, S. Zilevu, T. Rikakis, T. Ahmed, Y. Troung, S. Wolf. (2020). “Towards standardized processes for physical therapists to quantify patient rehabilitation”, proceedings of ACM SIGCHI 2020 (CHI’20), Hawaii, USA, April 25 – 30, 2020,
Thanassis Rikakis, Randy Swearer, Todd Nicewonger, Aisling Kelliher. Transdisciplinary and Trans-sector Knowledge Ecosystems Leverage Interdependencies, Promote Agency and Advance Knowledge Democracies, Proceedings of European Conference on Education (keynote paper), London, July 2019
Patibanda, R., et al. (2020). Motor Memory in HCI. In Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’20). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1–8.
Kelliher, A., Zilevu, S., Rikakis, T., and Wolf, S. (2019). Towards the development of semi-supervised rehabilitation systems for the home. In Proceedings of the Technology, Mind, Society Conference, Washington DC, October 3 – 5, 2019
Thanassis Rikakis, Aisling Kelliher, Jia-Bin Huang, Hari Sundaram. Progressive Cyber Human Intelligence, ACM Interactions (featured article), August 2018
Thanassis Rikakis, Aisling Kelliher, Jinwoo Choi, Jia-Bin Huang, Kris Kitani, Setor Zilevu, and Steve Wolf. 2018. Semi-automated home-based therapy for the upper extremity of stoke survivors, ACM PETRA 2018, June 26 – 28
Aisling Kelliher, Jinwoo Choi, Jia-Bin Huang, Thanassis Rikakis, and Kris Kitani. 2017. HOMER: An Interactive System for Home Based Stroke Rehabilitation. In Proc. ASSETS '17, 379-380
Baran M., Lehrer N. , Duff M., Venkataraman V., Turaga P., Ingalls T., Rymer Z. , Wolf S. , and Rikakis T.; ``Interdisciplinary Concepts for Design and Implementation of Mixed Reality Interactive Neurorehabilitation Systems for Stroke'', American Physical Therapy Association's Physical Therapy Journal (APTA-PTJ), January 2014
Venkataraman V., Turaga P., Baran M., Lehrer N., Rikakis T. , and Wolf S.; ``Component-Level Tuning of Kinematic Features from Composite Therapist Impressions of Movement Quality'', accepted at IEEE Journal on Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI) 2014.
Rikakis T., Kelliher A., Lehrer N.; "Experiential Media and Digital Culture”. IEEE Computer 46(1): 46-54 (2013)
Byrne D., Kelliher A., Cox D., Rikakis T.; “XSEAD: A Community Platform For Art-Science Integration.” IEEE MultiMedia 20(4): 4-7 (2013)
Venkataraman V, Turaga P., Lehrer N., Baran M., Rikakis T., Wolf S.: “Attractor-Shape for Dynamical Analysis of Human Movement: Applications in Stroke Rehabilitation and Action Recognition”. CVPR Workshops 2013: 514-520
Rikakis T., Tinnaple D., Olson L.; The Digital Culture Degree: a competency-based interdisciplinary program spanning engineering and the arts; Proceedings of the IEEE FIE 2013 Conference, Oklahoma City, October 2013
Duff M., Chen Y., Liu S-M., Blake P., Wolf S., and Rikakis T.; “Adaptive mixed reality rehabilitation improves quality of reaching movements more than traditional reaching therapy following stroke”, Journal of Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, December 2012
Lehrer N., Chen Y., Wolf S. and Rikakis T., “Exploring the bases for a mixed reality stroke rehabilitation system, Part II: Design of Interactive Feedback for Upper Limb Rehabilitation ”, Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, October 2011
Lehrer N., Chen Y., Wolf S. and Rikakis T., “Exploring the bases for a mixed reality stroke rehabilitation system, Part I: A unified Approach for Representing Action, Quantitative Evaluation and Interactive Feedback”, Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, September 2011
Rikakis T., “Utilizing Media Arts Principles for Designing Effective Neurorehabilitation Systems”, Proceedings of the IEEE EMBS 2011 Conference, Boston, September 2011
Rikakis T., “Reviews and Tenure” in Pfirman et al, Interdisciplinary Hiring and Career Development: Guidance for Individuals and Institutions, National Council for Science and the Environment, 2011
Chen Y., Duff M., Lehrer N., Liu S-M., Blake P., Wolf S.L., Sundaram H., and Rikakis T., "A Novel Adaptive Mixed Reality System for Stroke Rehabilitation: Principles, Proof of Concept and Preliminary Application in Two Patients", Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation 2011;18(3):212–230
Chen Y., Duff M., Lehrer N., Sundaram H., He J., Wolf S.L., and Rikakis T., “A Computational Framework for Quantitative Evaluation of Movement during Rehabilitation”, Proceedings of International Symposium on Computational Models for Life Sciences, 22-24 June 2011, Tokyo, Japan
Faith A., Chen Y., Rikakis T. and Iasemidis L., “Interactive Rehabilitation and Dynamical Analysis of Scalp EEG”, Proceedings of the IEEE EMBS 2011 Conference, Boston, September 2011.
Baran M., Lehrer N., Siwiak D., Chen Y., Duff M., Ingalls T., and Rikakis T., “Design of a Home-based Adaptive Mixed Reality Rehabilitation System for Stroke Patients”, Proceedings of the IEEE EMBS 2011 Conference, Boston, September 2011
Duff M., Chen Y., and Rikakis T., “Mixed Reality Rehabilitation for Stroke Survivors Promotes Generalized Motor Improvements”, Proceedings of the IEEE EMBS 2010 Conference, Argentina
Rikakis, T., "Towards a Post-Disciplinary Liberal Education", Keynote Address, Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Engineering and Liberal Education (2010), Union College, Schenectady, NY
Duff M., Chen Y., Attygalle S., Herman J., Sundaram H., Qian G., He J., and Rikakis T., "An Adaptive Mixed Reality Training System for Stroke Rehabilitation". IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, 2010. 18: p. 531-541
Rikakis, T., "Innovative Faculty Evaluation Criteria for Incentivizing High-Impact Interdisciplinary Collaboration", Proceedings of 39th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, San Antonio, TX
Chen Y., Sundaram H., Rikakis T., Olson L., Ingalls T., and He J., "Experiential Media Systems – The Biofeedback Project", in Multimedia Content Analysis: Theory and Applications, A. Divakaran (eds.), Springer Verlag, Oct. 2008;
Chen Y., Xu W-W., Sundaram H., Rikakis T., Liu S-M., "Media Adaptation Framework in Biofeedback System for Stroke Patient Rehabilitation", Proc. ACM Multimedia 2007, Augsburg, Germany
Ingalls T., Lin Y-R., Mechtley B., Mumford J., Wallis I., Birchfield D. , Cook S., Kelliher A., Olson L., and Rikakis T.; “Mediating Complexity”; ISEA 2008, Singapore
Wallis I., Ingalls T., Rikakis T., Olsen L., Chen Y., Xu W-W. , Sundaram H., “Real-Time Sonification of Movement for an Immersive Stroke Rehabilitation Environment.” Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Auditory Display, Montréal, Canada, 497-506. 2007
Chen Y., Huang H., Xu W-W., Wallis I., Sundaram H. , Rikakis T., He J., Ingalls T., and Olson L. (2006), "The Design Of A Real-Time, Multimodal Biofeedback System For Stroke Patient Rehabilitation", Proceedings of SIG ACM Multimedia 2006, Oct. 2006, Santa Barbara, CA.
Rikakis, T., Spanias A., Sundaram H., He J., "An Arts, Sciences and Engineering Education and Research Initiative", Proceedings of IEEE FIE 2006, Oct 2006, San Diego, CA.
Sundaram H. and Rikakis T. “Experiential Media Systems”, Encyclopedia of Multimedia. B. Furtht (eds). NY NY., Springer Verlag. XXVIII: 989p.
Chen Y., Huang H., Xu W-W., Wallis I., Sundaram H., Rikakis T., He J., Ingalls T., and Olson L. (2006). “A Real-Time, Multimodal Biofeedback System For Stroke Patient Rehabilitation” (demo paper), Proceedings of SIG ACM Multimedia 2006, Oct. 2006, Santa Barbara,CA, Winner of best demo award at SIG ACM MM 2006
Dyaberi V., Sundaram H., Rikakis T., and James J., “The Computational Extraction Of Spatio-Temporal Formal Structures in the Interactive Dance Work '22'”, Proceedings of ACM MM 2006, Oct. 2006, Santa Barbara.
Xu W-W., Chen Y., Sundaram H., and Rikakis T., “Multimodal Archiving, Real-Time Collaborative Annotation and Information Visualization in a Biofeedback System for Stroke Patient Rehabilitation”, Proceedings of 3rd Workshop on Capture Archival, Retrieval of Personal Experiences, ACM MM 2006
Whiteley D., Qian G., Rikakis T., James J., Ingalls T., Wang S., and Olson L., "Real-Time Tracking of Multiple People from Unlabelled Markers and Its Application in Interactive Dance," Proceedings of British Machine Vision Conference, Oxford, UK, September 5-8, 2005
Spanias A. , Sundaram H., He J., and Rikakis T.; “An Interdisciplinary Arts and Engineering Initiative for Experiential Multimedia”; Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, 2005
Wang Y., Qian G. and Rikakis T., “Robust Pause Detection Using 3D Motion Capture Data For Interactive Dance”, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, vol. 2, pp. 1173-1176, Philadelphia, PA, March 18-23, 2005
Ingalls T., Rikakis T., James J., Qian G., Olson L., Guo F., Wong S., “A Movement Recognition Engine for the Development of Interactive Multimedia Works.”, AISB 2004 Convention: Motion, Emotion and Cognition - ConGAS Symposium on Gesture Interfaces for Multimedia Systems (GIMS). 2004
Sridharan H., Sundaram H. and Rikakis T., “Computational models for experiences in the arts and multimedia”, 1st ACM Workshop on Experiential Telepresence, in conjunction with ACM Multimedia 2003, Berkeley CA, Nov. 2003
Rikakis, T., "A practical microtonal pitch space; theoretical and psychoacoustic issues, compositional applications". 2001 Microfest Conference and Festival, Harvey Mudd College, CA, April 2001.
Ghez, C. Dubois L., Cook P., and Rikakis T, “An Auditory Display System for Aiding Interjoint Coordination”, Proceedings of International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD) 2000, Atlanta, GA, March 2000